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Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2020 angezeigt.

Those in the second car

Race riots, the USA at the top of the Corona victim lists, military operations against its own civilian population and with every mad tweet we stare at Donald Trump again and again. But do we actually have our eyes on the right person? Sure, the president has the responsibility. But is he really responsible when the USA staggers into chaos and towards autocracy? Some pressing questions... I had barely turned 18 and only recently got my driving license when I was on my way to a concert with my first car and two friends on board. The father of the two was also with us, as they were not yet of legal age. But of course, I was driving - proudly. Eventually we got endlessly stuck on a country road behind a tractor. Constantly cars were coming towards us and if not, the road would make a bend. As a beginner I stayed well-behaved behind the chugging vehicle. But finally, the father of my friends, looking back at the queue that had formed behind us, said to me: "You're holding up

We're not Katniss!

When I was watching the final part of 'Hunger Games' a couple of years ago, I was thinking by myself, well, it will  be just like that one day. Just that we - the White, the European, the self-acclaimed 'first world' - are not Katniss. We're not District 12. We are all President Snow. We are all the Capitol. And we will lose everything. And when we lose, we lose rightfully. Sadly it seems that I was right.