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A short history of corona, protective masks and ventilators

When the Corona crisis is over, everyone will come back out of their holes.

Concerned citizens, those in government and even those not in government shake their heads and agree on one thing: "It was very bad that during the crisis we were so dependent on foreign countries for systemically important goods such as protective masks and respirators. This must not happen again, we must become self-sufficient."

So all countries are starting to build up capacity. In Austria, for example, a great plant for protective masks is being built right near Klagenfurt and is also creating jobs in Carinthia. And Magna in Graz is shifting part of its production to ventilators and will soon be producing the most powerful ones in Europe, they say.

A few years pass and then the next pandemic occurs.

The new, young Governor of Carinthia steps up to the press and explains: "Everything is fine, dear Austrians. Just a little patience, please, as soon as all hospitals, kindergartens and supermarkets in Carinthia have been supplied with the Carinthian protective masks, the supply of the other provinces can begin".

At the same time the Styrian governor explains: "Everything is good. As soon as the Styrian hospitals, retirement homes and the provincial parliament have been supplied with the Styrian ventilators, we will of course send the rest to the other provinces immediately".

The crisis passes and everyone comes back out of their holes.

Concerned citizens, those in government and even those not in government shake their heads and agree on one thing: "It was very bad that the federal states were so dependent on each other during the crisis. This must not happen again, we must all become self-sufficient."

So the Austrian federal states are beginning to build up capacities. In Lower Austria, for example, a great plant for protective masks is being built right near St. Pölten and is also creating jobs. And in Hainburg on the Danube, the last remains of the Austria Tobacco Plants are being used to set up a factory for respirators. A beautiful move in history, as the local press enthuses.

A few years pass and then the next pandemic occurs.

The aged mayor of St. Pölten steps up to the press and explains: "Everything is fine, dear Wald- and Weinviertler. Just a little patience, please, as soon as the University Hospital of St. Pölten, our emergency centre and the old people's homes in the district have been supplied with the St. Pölten quality protective masks, the supply of the other communities can begin".

At the same time, the new, district governor from the Green party of Bruck an der Leitha explains: "Everything is good. As soon as the Hainburg hospital, the district kindergartens and the Bruck tax office are supplied with ventilators, we will of course send the rest to the other districts immediately".

The crisis passes and everyone comes back out of their holes.

Concerned citizens, those in government and even those not in government shake their heads and …

… the morality of the story?

There may never be a vaccine against the worst of all viruses: stupidity.


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